

Market intelligence company that gathers data and information through the use of smartphone surveys within games


15 Votes

A leading platform for market and survey research, TapResearch connects businesses with audiences.


TapResearch is a modern market research solution that offers businesses a fast, efficient method of obtaining valuable consumer insights. By leveraging mobile technology and gamification, TapResearch provides access to a diverse, engaged audience ready to participate in surveys and research studies.

Feature-rich Market Research Tool

TapResearch is packed with features to help businesses get the most out of their market research efforts. The platform offers both quantitative and qualitative research methods, with options for single-question surveys, multi-question surveys, and advanced survey logic. The Audience Network feature allows for audience segmentation and targeting, ensuring that businesses reach the most relevant users for their research needs.

User-friendly Interface and Easy Integration

One of the standout features of TapResearch is its user-friendly interface. The platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, even for those new to market research. Additionally, TapResearch offers seamless integration with popular platforms like Salesforce and SurveyMonkey, making it easier for businesses to streamline their market research processes.

Fast, Reliable Results

TapResearch prides itself on its ability to deliver fast, reliable results. By leveraging the power of mobile technology, the platform can reach a wide audience quickly, resulting in faster response times for surveys and studies. Businesses can expect to receive actionable insights in real time, enabling them to make informed decisions without delay.


In conclusion, TapResearch is a powerful tool for businesses looking to gain valuable consumer insights. Its combination of robust features, easy integration, and fast results make it an excellent choice for market and survey research. Whether a business is conducting a simple survey or a complex study, TapResearch offers the tools and capabilities needed to succeed.

HQ Location
Menlo Park, CA
Year Founded
LinkedIn® Page (45 employees)
Top 2 TapResearch Alternatives


An intuitive platform for marketers and HR professionals to create surveys for customers and employees

Google Forms

Embedded forms for surveys and questionnaires that are simple to deploy and integrate with popular CRM tools